Joining YouTube?!

4:28 PM


     Ever since my freshman year of college in 2011 (Yikes! Has it really been four years?!), I've toyed with the idea of creating a YouTube channel.  I find the idea of vlogging as well as creating fun sit-down videos to be extremely exciting, however the thought of actually planting myself in front of a camera and speaking openly on any subject seems absolutely terrifying (which is probably why I haven't actually jumped into it yet).  But I think that this is the year I may actually do it.  I've got a lot of exciting things happening in my life in the upcoming months, including moving to a new apartment with my boyfriend, flying across the country to adventure in Oregon, and starting an internship at a fashion magazine and I'd love to be able to document these occurrences and share them with people who may have similar interests.

     That being said, I am officially reaching out to any and all YouTubers for advice, tips, tricks, and just general thoughts on the YouTube community as well as my want to be a part of it!  I'd love to hear about your experiences and hopefully gain some new friends in the process!


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  1. OMG that's AMAZING!!

    I would loooove to subscribe to your YT and watch you and be supportive of you :)!

    Wow your life will be amazing, I'm super excited for you! <3 and DO IT, it would be loooaaads of fun!

    - Jumana @

    1. Aw, thank you so much girl! <3 I'm really nervous, but I think that once I just do it, I'll love it! You can subscribe now if you really want to! haha my YouTube name is just alyssaandress (ignore the shoddily shot/edited One Direction video please!)

      Thank you so much for your support!! :)


  2. Just do it! I did it last summer and all my videos were super shitty but it was such a great learning experience! And if you're really embarrassed just take them down after a few months like I did! I'm planning to start back up again this summer now that I kind-of sort-of know what I'm doing:)


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