Team Maliyah | Jewelry to Help Beat Cancer

7:00 AM

Today's post is going to be a bit more of a serious one.  I don't believe that I have ever written anything on this subject before, so I apologize if I'm a bit awkward...

In the past five years, I have lost two very important people in my life to the horrible disease that is cancer.  First, my Aunt Lisa to skin cancer and a few years later, my Nanna to lung cancer.  (Both on my mom's side of the family.)  My father has had a cancerous mole removed, and I myself have had about 6 pre-cancerous moles removed from various places on my body.  It's a very, scary thing.  Because their is a history of cancer on both sides of my family, all of us are required to get a skin check every six months.  So, helping people with this disease has always been very dear to my heart.

Recently, I've been introduced to the story of a brave little girl named Maliyah by her mother Tazz Jones.  Maliyah is five years old and is unfortunately another person in my life who has been diagnosed with another form of cancer, neuroblastoma.

With the majority of her treatments taking place in New York City, Maliyah and her mother are having to constantly travel from Pittsburgh to the Big Apple.  This alone can cost so much money.  When you add the costs of the actual treatments on top of it, the amount is truly unbearable.

But, fortunately for us, there is a way that we can all help this beautiful little girl get her treatments without having to worry about the costs!  Tazz Jones has created an online shop where we can purchase beautiful jewelry and all of the proceeds will go towards helping Maliyah beat cancer!  Isn't that awesome?!  I'm so excited to be able to help share this opportunity to with you.  Hopefully, with our help, Maliyah can become cancer free!

If you are interested in helping out, please check out the shop here!


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