These are a few of my favorite things...
9:22 AM
I realized today that I haven't formally introduced myself to the blogosphere, so here is just a quick list of some of my favorite things!
Color: When it comes to clothing, I'm all about black. (All black errrthang). But as far as home decor and just visuals in general, I'm a big fan of teal and mint.
Movie: I'm always finding new movies that I fall in love with, but I think the first movie that made me say "YES. This is it." would have to be Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. (And yes, I have read the book.)
Place: No city has ever made me feel the way that New York does. The entire city is to me what Tiffany's is to Holly Golightly. (Another favorite book and movie!)
Food: Nothing can ever top pizza. Sorry.

Restaurant: The Harris Grill here in Pittsburgh makes THE BEST
quesadillas. (And their Long Island Iced Teas aren't bad either!)
Makeup Brand: I'm really loving MAC and Urban Decay right now!
Comedian: Bo Burnham. He's ridiculously smart and I pick up on something new every time I listen to one of his songs or watch one of his specials.
TV Show: I'm having a pretty difficult time answering this one because I watch SO many shows. My boyfriend and I just finished the entirety of Prison Break which was absolutely incredible on so many levels, but my forever favorite show is Gossip Girl. (Yes, Chuck Bass.)
YouTuber: I think everything Zoe Sugg does is wonderful. I love her blog as well as her Zoella channel and her MoreZoella channel. I look forward to watching her vlogs at the end of every day because they just relax me and put me in a better mood. (So much better than reality TV.)